A complete rebrand of Technopolis with a clear focus on the jaw breaking WOW effect kids have when it comes to science.
Styling options are:
- left
- right
- fullscreen

You can add a 2nd block with the toggle ->
-> You can also add an image and remove the heading via the toggles.
Rebranding of an institution
We’re in the STEAM business. That stands for Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts & Mathematics. But it also means that we believe in moving forward, preferably at full speed. That’s exactly why we don’t believe in waiting around for the next Einstein, Rachel Carson, Newton, Curie or Hawking to arrive.
Styling options are:
- left
- right
- fullscreen

- a4
-> This will set a different aspect-ratio equal to that of an A4 sheet of paper.

You can add a 2nd block with the toggle ->
-> You can also add an image and remove the heading via the toggles.
Everything starts with WOW
The power of WOW surpasses any level of IQ, inherent talent, or brilliant insight. It is the force that captures attention, ignites passion, and drives action. WOW has the ability to inspire and motivate, turning ordinary moments into extraordinary experiences.
Styling options are:
- left
- right
- fullscreen

- a4
-> This will set a different aspect-ratio equal to that of an A4 sheet of paper.

“We’re looking for kids who allow themselves to marvel and wonder around. Whose jaws drop when they hear about the infinite universe.”
Styling options are:
- left
- right
- fullscreen

Styling options are:
- left
- right
- fullscreen

Style the theme like this:
- theme-dark
- or
- theme-dark bottom

You can add a 2nd block with the toggle ->
-> You can also add an image and remove the heading via the toggles.
The Technopolis mascot, created by using the O set in the same font as the Technopolis logotype. WOWZA is gender neutral creature with lots of personality. A simple shape that speaks for itself, easy to animate and can be used on different media.
- a4
-> This will set a different aspect-ratio equal to that of an A4 sheet of paper.

Styling options are:
- left
- right
- fullscreen