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Broadening the appeal of Belgium’s most iconic charity organisation through Strength In Numbers.

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More than just a number

11.11.11 is one of Belgium’s most iconic charity organisations, that’s fighting global injustice with the help of volunteers for over fifty years. The original brand’s name and logo referenced the First World War armistice, but this significance had gone lost on a younger audience with a taste for brands with a more emotional subtext.

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-> You can also add an image and remove the heading via the toggles.

The invisible ones

Through our ‘Strength In Numbers’ manifesto the row of digits became more than just a historical reference, reimagining the mark as a row of contrasting individuals, standing shoulder to shoulder, holding the line against injustice. Further incorporating a subtle trompe l’oeil effect, the mark not only represents the very tangible, but also ‘the invisible ones’ that contribute to the movement.

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-> You can also add an image and remove the heading via the toggles.

Activist toolkit

Full identity guidelines facilitate both corporate and DIY communication, featuring a custom typeface and illustrative building blocks that provide demonstrators on the field with their very own activist toolkit. The new brand was instantly embraced by the base as a powerful symbol of unity, showing that standing as one, we are stronger than alone.

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  • a4

-> This will set a different aspect-ratio equal to that of an A4 sheet of paper.

“Our new identity is rich in symbolism and embodies our core principle of ‘Strength in Numbers’: numerous 1’s firmly standing side by side against exploitation.”

Els Hertogen

Director at 11.11.11

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You can add a 2nd block with the toggle ->

-> You can also add an image and remove the heading via the toggles.

Den1m Sem1bold

To further reinforce the brand’s often bespoke activist messaging, we created our own typeface in collaboration with our partner Displaay. Den1m Sem1bold is an assertive modern sans serif. Bold and slightly rounded, it references the DIY character of a stencil or protest placard without compromising legibility in more corporate communication.

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  • a4

-> This will set a different aspect-ratio equal to that of an A4 sheet of paper.

Musea Brugge
Caroline Bosmans